Fèis News

New Chairperson for 2020

Our long-standing chairperson, Kirsteen Graham, has recently stepped down from the role after nearly 30 years at the helm. Fèis an Earraich offers heartfelt thanks for her many years of dedication and wish her many happy, stress-free Easter holidays from now on! In...

New classes for 2020!

This year we are welcoming Tara Rankin to tutor keyboard and stepdance. We haven't has any keys at Fèis and Earraich for a few years so we're looking forward to hearing you tickling the ivories! Also new for Fèis 2020 is Highland dance, with Dannsairean an Eilein...

Competition time

Do you have an interest in art and design? Then we need YOU to help us design a new Fèis an Earraich logo! We are looking for a design that represents our Fèis, what we do and where we are. The design should be simple and bold, and be either black and white or use a...